Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
All school's worldwide should start later, because it will have a positive effect on student's learning. This topic has been debated for many years now. Most teens dream about getting more sleep... but unfortunately it's impossible. According to DebateWise (a reliable debating website) 44% of all the people surveyed agreed, 50% disagreed, and the remaining 6% were neutral. Personally, from a student's perspective, I agree. It is not only good for a child's learning, the amount of kids with sleeping disorders with decrease. It is generally better for your health to sleep more, but because of the amount of homework we get, and the time we have to wake up for school, we don't get enough sleep.
Many people disagree with this topic, and say that school shouldn't start later, because of varies reasons. One of those are that kids, will take advantage, and go to sleep later as well. This example is why 50% of people said 'no' to this statement. Many people will also think that this might take away family time. I can see why they think so, but I still think it would be for the better.
So many of the teens today come to school tired. Honestly, me being one of them some days. 78% of teens say that, it is hard to get up in the morning. 70% Thought that their grades would improve, and an astonishing 90% of teens think that their over-all academic performance would improve by school starting later. I can agree to all of these facts from ScienceDaily. I think that this would be a better option for schools to take because of health reasons and for the student's pleasure. When your brain is not tired, it functions much better.
Many scientists strongly believe, that it can greatly impact the way we think at school, and our attitudes during the day. When you are sleeping your brain has time to rest, your brain needs enough rest to have a successful day at school. 16% of teens surveyed said they get enough sleep. Teens need 81/2 - 9 hours of sleep each night. (For more info go to TeensHealth). It has been proven that people can concentrate more and for a longer amount of time if their brain is well rested. The brain is one of the two most important organs in your body, we use it every second of every day, and this is why we need to give it a break.
Along with most of my peers, I don't sleep enough and it is effecting the learning of modern day teens. School is the biggest reason why, for most kids. The reason schools should begin later, is only to benefit, the students and the teachers. Even though many people might disagree, I think it will have more positive outcomes than negative ones. Teens will have loads of energy and be able to concentrate an entire day at school and at home, with the right amount of sleep. Schools should start later, so that students can have the opportunity to get enough sleep. "To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep." - Joan Klempner