Thursday, November 24, 2011
Animal cruelty.
"Animals can't speak, so we have to be the voice for them!" - Bernice vdV. I believe in fighting against animal abuse. So many animals die every day because they are being abused. There are a few TV shows about this topic, because the people that do know about this problem, want to take action. There are also a few organizations, such as the SPCA, that helps with this problem. We can't just sit back and pretend it's not happening. We need to help those that can't help themselves.
People ignore the fact that animals are being abused, and killed for pleasure every day. At least 500 animals die each day because of animal abuse. Which means, because of animal abuse 20 animals die every hour. Abusing an animal is the same as abusing a person, and abuse leads to death. Innocent animals are being tortured to death.1
People have realized this, and got the media involved in it. Because the media plays such a big part in so many people's lives, it is a great way to get the message across. There is this one TV show on Animal Planet that is all about catching/arresting the criminals, and saving the victims (the animals). It is against the law to abuse animals, and many people have gone to jail for doing so. It is a crime and deserves it's punishments. At least people realize that we have to do something about this issue.
Every body knows about about the SPCA, because it is such a successful organization. The Selangor SPCA does really well accepting animals, and caring for them. They receive 600- 700 animals a month, care for, and try to find homes for them. This is a very hard task, and all help is needed. Only 25% of these animals get homes. This isn't the only program, helping and protecting animals, there are a few. But the SPCA is one of the most successful.
We have to fight for what we care for. And we have to take a stand for what we believe in. And I believe animal cruelty is wrong, and I want to fight for the animals being abused. You can also help by donating your time and some money, to the SPCA. To the animals that need help, that need love, because they have been abused. They are trying to stop to torture by getting the media involved. The other organizations, like SPCA, are helping with this problem. But they can't do it alone. We all have to help. We have to fight for those that can't fight for themselves.
Posted by Anonymous at 5:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Achieving the Impossible Dream

Posted by Anonymous at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Our Hidden Voice
These days wisdom
is disguised by uncertainty,
you know?
Opinions and speaking with strong
conviction and authority,
as opposed to the invisible determination
in our society.
To aggressively question and implore,
to challenge our tragic generation.
Personally chop down interrogative...ness,
to stop declaring
our so called whatevers.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 16, 2011
Modern technology, owes ecology, an apology. ~Alan M. Eddison
Our planet is such a blessing to us. It is so wonderful, and so big, and yet every minute we destroy more and more of it's beauty. And for what? To construct new buildings, new towns, new roads. But what we don't realize, or do realize but don't care about is the fact that we are killing lives by doing this. The lives of animals. We are messing up the food chain, and in in the long run, we are messing up what used to be a natural paradise. But if we fight against this, I strongly believe that things will change for the better. "If we stand together, we can achieve!"
Posted by Anonymous at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
No change!

Posted by Anonymous at 2:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Without hope....why live?
Hope is such an important part of our lives. Without even knowing, hope sometimes gives us a boost of confidence, and it reminds us to keep going. "It always seems impossible until it's done." -Nelson Mandela. This quote has so much to do with what hope can help us achieve. We can achieve greatness -that no one else would have thought could be achieved- through hope. Some times I get so upset, because I don't think I can do something, or I think I'm not good enough, but all I really need is hope. Because if we have hope, we can believe in our selfs, and if we believe in our selfs, we can do great things. I think Nelson Mandela, said so much with just a few words, that can lead to change. He had hope, through every demanding year in that prison cell. Look what change he has brought to the world today. He will be remembered for years to come. Nelson Mandela didn't just have hope, but encouraged other to also have hope.
Posted by Anonymous at 3:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A few weeks ago in Cairo, Egypt, it was chaos. The majority of the Egyptian people wanted a new president. Their former president has been in power for a long time, and people didn't think the elections were correct. Former President Hosni Mubarak didn't think that was the case. He did everything except what the people wanted. There was a riot against the Governments autocratic ways. The military was also part of this situation, but the people weren't always sure which side they were on. There was one incident where the military trucks gave the people lifts while they were protesting.
Posted by Anonymous at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 31, 2011
The holocaust study.
Before this, I had no idea about any of this. I was completely clueless, but when we studied this more, I really enjoyed it. I'm not saying that I enjoy learning about how Hitler killed 11 million people, but I find this history very interesting. Now that I know a bit more about the holocaust, I can say that it was a horrible time. Germany need economical help and there was Hitler. Germany needed it's pride back, and there was Hitler. He was the only choice (back then) for the people back then, and he promised the people just what they wanted. I feel so sorry for the Jews and all the other people who were involved in the genocide.
Posted by Anonymous at 2:10 PM 0 comments